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Project sponsored by our volunteering travel in Honduras


Our solidarity wind turbines



Honduras barely produces any energy source (aside 2 small hydroelectric dams), so the energy is very expensive compared to the standard of local living. Also knowing that in Honduras 60% of the population lives under the poverty line, electricity is sometimes a luxury.


With Gerard GATIGNOL, engineer inventor, we developed a wind turbine at a cost of less than $ 80 with materials recovery such as a car alternator, a belt and a rim.

We are currently in the stage of adjustment and modification of the turbine to make it as efficient as possible.



As of September 2013, we plan to freely distribute these turbines to Garifuna families most in need who do not have electricity to at least give them access to a power outlet and 3 light bulbs.

Project funded by our volunteering travel in Honduras


This project is combined with the project of green homes made with plastic bottles.