Become an Ambassador

Become the association ambassador in your city, area or country - wherever we don't have an ambassador yet. You will be our local representative.

We do not ask you for any technical knowledge, nor money. We request a little time to support our values and motivation to share Garif'Onda's solidarity so we can continue our work.


  • Believe in our values and humanitarian projects.
  • Publicize and disseminate Garif'Onda's website to all people you know, local organizations, communities and social networks so that more people can "click" on our sponsors' links.
  • Organize fundraisers (optional)
  • Have regular exchanges with team Garif'Onda.
  • And other actions that could benefit Garif'Onda (after consulting with the team in Honduras).

We need YOU to continue our development in Honduras.

Submit us your Ambassador application!


       Coco Tours  Honduras

    Tela - Atlantida - Honduras

    Telephone: + (504)33 35 45 99

     Mail : [email protected]

     Facebook : CocoTours

     Skype : farines.miguel



B. El Tigre - Tela - Atlantida

Honduras - C.A.

Telefono : (504)33354599

correo : [email protected]

Skype : farines.miguel

Facebook : Garifonda


B° El Centro - Tela


Tel +(504)33 35 45 99

@: [email protected]

Skype: farines.miguel

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