Project sponsored by our responsible travel in Honduras



Green bins

Since the past 3 years, 3 bins projects were set up in different Garifuna villages.


The environment is beautiful in Garifuna villages: white sand beaches and blue Caribbean Sea. The problem is that there is no trash or dump waste places.

NOTE: This project is paired with the project of plastic bottles houses. Since we started to build these houses, there is barely no more plastic bottles in the streets and on the beaches. The villagers pick them up and we buy them to build the green houses.



With the help of Quebec CEGEP (colleges), we have built wood garbage containers easy to empty that we installed in the streets and beaches. With La Main Verte Association, which raised money with a benefit concert in France, we worked on a second operation to build and install large waste bins in all neighborhoods.

We are currently in the stage of building a recycling center to recycle all waste and organic materials. Plastic, metal and paper is sold to a recycling center. The organic waste will be converted into compost to be used by the villagers for cultivation of cassava and rice.

  Project funded by our responsible travel in Honduras


Project funded by our responsible travel


       Coco Tours  Honduras

    Tela - Atlantida - Honduras

    Telephone: + (504)33 35 45 99

     Mail : [email protected]

     Facebook : CocoTours

     Skype : farines.miguel



B. El Tigre - Tela - Atlantida

Honduras - C.A.

Telefono : (504)33354599

correo : [email protected]

Skype : farines.miguel

Facebook : Garifonda


B° El Centro - Tela


Tel +(504)33 35 45 99

@: [email protected]

Skype: farines.miguel

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