Project funded by our sustainable tourism in Honduras



Renovation of schools

With your clicks, we funded renovations campaigns for schools establishment and kindergartens in Honduras. Also, we distributed school supplies.

Scholarships for students

Our plan for 2013 is to establish a bursary scheme to help the most deserving students to pursue their higher education in the city.

Note that only 6% of young students stop their studies at the age of 14 years due to their economic difficulties.

Project funded by our sustainable tourism in Honduras

Project funded by our sustainable tourism in Honduras


       Coco Tours  Honduras

    Tela - Atlantida - Honduras

    Telephone: + (504)33 35 45 99

     Mail : [email protected]

     Facebook : CocoTours

     Skype : farines.miguel



B. El Tigre - Tela - Atlantida

Honduras - C.A.

Telefono : (504)33354599

correo : [email protected]

Skype : farines.miguel

Facebook : Garifonda


B° El Centro - Tela


Tel +(504)33 35 45 99

@: [email protected]

Skype: farines.miguel

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